Welcome to CLIMB®, the home of online professional development and service training featuring the best knowledge of the hospitality industry. Our ACCET*-accredited training is industry-developed, academically proven, and served up on a cutting-edge e-learning platform by The International School of Hospitality (TISOH).

Here's why we should be your top choice:

Quality Assured: Our ACCET-accredited training ensures that your team receives top-tier, industry-endorsed education.

Broad Spectrum Learning: Our portfolio of online courses spans the entire breadth of soft skills required for the hospitality industry, from customer service to leadership skills, providing a holistic learning experience.

Tailored Attention: Our commitment to personalized attention fosters a conducive learning environment for all participants.

Global Recognition: Our affiliations with internationally recognized bodies like the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute, licensing by NV CPE, SEVIS approved by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and listings on AIPE and CHEA websites, add credibility to our credentials.

Contact Us

For questions or additional information, call us 702-947-7200 or email to [email protected]. To join our mailing list, enter your email below.

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